God saved my life through Crossroads, and now I'm on a mission to save others

God saved my life through Crossroads, and now I'm on a mission to save others

3 mins

Not raised in a church, I didn’t really know anything about who God or Jesus was, and I was going through loads of anxiety and depression because I had an alcohol addiction.

I decided to check out Crossroads because I needed help and wanted to be saved. I’ve heard many stories of people going to God especially during an addiction and they got the help they needed. I was so young and had so much fear, but I felt a call to go to Crossroads. Conveniently, Crossroads East Side was right down the road from my house.

When I walked in the door I felt so welcomed. I was greeted with smiling faces and people telling me “I belong here” and that Jesus loved me. I reached out for prayer and I didn’t feel judged or ashamed of sharing what I was going through. The woman who prayed for me gave me a hug, and that hug made me feel loved and a sense of hope that I can be saved.

God has used Crossroads to help me find a community. Being young, not growing up in church, and going through an alcohol addiction, I was afraid I was not going to find people to relate to me or except me. But I was totally wrong. God used Crossroads to help me build a firm foundation on him with people who support me. My favorite Crossroads memory was at High School Camp. There was a talent show where I got to play the drums. When I got home, I was asked to join the student worship team, and I’ve been serving ever since. Then, after following Jesus for 3 years, I fully committed my life to Christ on May 19, 2024.

I’m continuing to find new ways to grow and serve. I still play drums for Students services, lead a cGroup, serve as an Influencer, I’ve been on GO Trips, and more. I’ve also impacted people’s lives simply by sharing my story. I realized that I’m not alone and people want to feel loved and saved, too. I’ve brought a lot of people to Crossroads and have been asked by many friends to baptize them. That’s where I have seen the 10x growth or really the 100x growth by committing their life to Jesus. - Paige G.

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