Incredible stories of how God is working in the lives of people around Crossroads.
Joshua was attending Crossroads for a while when we were first married, and then we started attending together. But we learned quickly that we had different backgrounds related to tithing. Stephanie grew up going to a Catholic school on the West Side of Cincinnati, and while she saw her parents...
I was feeling isolated and looking for something more. I had been around church most of my life, but I wasn’t very involved and I definitely didn’t think I’d ever work at a church. I decided to give getting more involved a try because I was lost about what to...
Being rescued changes things. It is one thing to wake up every day a nice person, living a nice life and making God happy. That wasn’t me. I don’t have any answers to why He chose me. Why He chased me, like a lovesick schoolgirl… no matter how far I...
My wife grew up in the church, and faith was a big part of her life. I (Judd) hadn’t grown up around church, but I knew it was integral to her life, so we spent the first 11 years of our marriage looking for a church home. Then, her sister...
Not raised in a church, I didn’t really know anything about who God or Jesus was, and I was going through loads of anxiety and depression because I had an alcohol addiction. I decided to check out Crossroads because I needed help and wanted to be saved. I’ve heard many...