What is Camp?
Camp is a 5 day, 4 night summer camp where students will have all the things that make camp awesome: games and activities (to be announced later), swimming, high-energy worship, and more. Camp will also include the modern conveniences that students appreciate (running water, air conditioned dorms for sleeping, and hot meals).
Who can go?
Students who will complete 5-7th grade in the 2023-2024 school year will go to Middle School Camp. Students who will complete 8th-12th grade in the 2023-2024 school year will go to High School Camp. All students in these age groups are invited to attend. You are not required to attend Crossroads.
When is Camp?
High School Camp is June 29 - July 3, 2024 for all communities. Middle School Camp is July 22-26, 2024 for all communities.
Where is Camp?
Camp will be at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio.
Can my student bring a friend?
Yes, we encourage students to invite friends, as long as they are in the appropriate grade for the Camp your student is attending.
General questions
My 8th grade student wants to go to Middle School Camp, can they? Or can my student attend a Camp that is not for their age group?
The short answer is no. At the time of Camp, current 8th grade students will have moved to the High School ministry. Camp will help foster that transition. We want students to have that common Camp experience with people they’ll be spending the most time with at church and school. High School Camp is for students who will complete grades 8-12 this school year. Middle School Camp is for students who will complete grades 5-7 this school year.
My student takes medicine or has allergies. How is that handled?
You will have the opportunity to provide information about medication and allergies when you sign your student up for Camp. The Camp nurse will oversee medication distribution and treatment of environmental allergies. The chef at Camp will be provided with information about food allergies and will make every effort to provide options that are allergy free. If your student needs to bring special food to Camp, reach out to crossroadsstudents@crossroads.net.
Who are the chaperones?
Crossroads volunteers, including cGroup leaders will look after the students. Background checks, interviews and training sessions are required for all volunteers. Camp will also have both security guards and police. Any adult on campus with Crossroads will have completed a thorough background check and interview/vetting process.
What is the ratio of volunteers to campers?
Approximately one cGroup leader for every seven students will attend. Plus there are many more volunteers who are not cGroup leaders.
What will they eat at Camp?
Meals will be prepared by the university staff and served cafeteria style. If your student has dietary restrictions, you can make a note of that on your registration. The chef will be provided with information about dietary restrictions and will make every effort to provide options that meet your students needs.
Where will students sleep at Camp?
BGSU offers residence halls where students and volunteers will sleep. Students will be grouped by gender, grade, and Crossroads site where they attend. Residence hall suites have 4 or more people per room. Groups will be housed next to each other. Security is provided inside and outside the dorm spaces.
My student wants to room with a student who attends another Crossroads site. Is that OK?
Unfortunately, no. Students need to register with the site they want to ride the bus with, dorm with, and be in a cGroup with. If a student has friends from another site, we encourage you to plan ahead with that friend and decide what site to attend with, or, plan to join a cGroup with your closest site and meet friends who you will be in community with on a weekly basis.
Can my student drive themselves to Camp?
All students will meet at the site they registered with for check-in and will ride buses to Camp. Students will not be permitted to drive themselves or have someone else drive them to and from Camp.
Can my student leave to attend sports practice, doctor appointments, etc.?
Participating in the entire Camp experience is important. Students will not be permitted to come and go, and will remain at Camp for the whole time.
My student can’t attend the whole time. Can they still come?
Unless there is an emergency, students are expected to be at Camp the entire time.
Money FAQ
How much does Camp cost?
The cost of Camp is $580. BUT, the earlier you sign up the better your price is. Visit crossroads.net/summercamp for details. A $50 deposit is required for all participants signing up for camp. Keep your eyes out for sales happening in November and February before the price increases fully in March.
How do I register for Camp?
The registration link can be found at crossroads.net/summercamp starting late February. It will also be open very briefly for a flash sale in November. (Keep an eye out for that!) Payments must be made online. Registration is not complete until the required deposit is paid.
What if I don’t have the money to go to Camp?
We do not want finances to be a barrier for your student to attend. A limited amount of funds are available for financial assistance. A reduced non-refundable deposit of $50 is still required at the time of registration. Within the *registration form, you can ask/apply for financial assistance.
*Requesting financial assistance is NOT a separate process like it has been in years past.
Are deposits refundable?
Deposits are NOT refundable and are NOT tax deductible.
Volunteers FAQ
How do I volunteer to be a leader at Camp?
You can apply to be a volunteer at crossroads.net/summercamp. All volunteers will go through a background check, application, screening and interview process.
What is the cost to attend as a leader?
Zero dollars. We know that time away from your family or your job is a sacrifice, so there is no charge for volunteers to attend.
Can I volunteer for a partial week?
Relationships are really important at Camp. Because of this, cGroup leaders must be able to commit to attending the entire time that our campers are at Camp. However, we will have opportunities to help with registration, the medical station, rec and activities, or other behind the scenes opportunities. If you’d like to assist in that way, apply to be a volunteer at crossroads.net/summercamp.