Sharing the stories of what God is doing in our lives, whether on a grand scale or in the smallest details, is powerful. It builds community, shares hope, and grows our faith and others.
It's nearly impossible for anything to grow in the dark. Too many people live in a dark world with little hope or light — where they feel isolated, beat down, and trapped in a cycle of defeat.
As a result, many people think that in order to spiritually grow, they've got to white-knuckle the darkness out of their lives. They catch themselves playing a defensive game focused on trying to fix themselves, eliminate vices, or just do more religious things to break free. Unfortunately, this approach doesn't normally pan out to long-term growth with God.
What would happen if a game revolved solely around the defensive side of the ball? The other team may not score at first, but over time, it would become just too exhausting to keep up. You need to have an offensive presence in the game.
Your spiritual life is no different.
God wants us to take an offensive stance in our growth – one way that happens is when we share our story.
In Matthew 15:14-16, Jesus says to a large group of people following Him:
"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."
God's ultimate goal for you isn't just to get rid of the darkness in your own life, but to become a 'light' to others. In other words, He wants you to take the offensive, to score touchdowns, to take new ground.
Sharing your story is one of the best ways for you to be a 'light' to others. It's your opportunity to explain what God has done for you – putting you into a position to give God glory, share hope, and stamp out darkness in the lives of others.
Your story – it has immense power.
In Revelation 12:11, it is prophesied that darkness will ultimately be defeated:
They triumphed over him [the devil] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…
If we want to defeat darkness, there are two ways that we can do that:
1. The blood of the Lamb (Seems weird, we know – but this is Jesus and His choice to die on the cross so we can be in relationship with God. There's nothing for you to do here, but accept the gift.)
2. The word of their testimony (Believers in Jesus who choose to share their story about how God has changed them. This is where you can take an active role.)
Notice how this scripture doesn't say that triumph comes from knowing a lot about the Bible. It has nothing to do with the ability to create theological arguments or sound smart. Not that these are bad things, but the one-two punch that dispels darkness is: (a) Jesus and (b) Your story of what God is doing in your life.
Simple stories can be the most powerful.
When we choose to speak honestly and authentically about what Jesus has done for us, people listen. People can debate you on your theology, but they can't debate with how Jesus impacted you.
All of us have a story to share
God has been working in your life, even if you don't realize it yet. Regardless of how insignificant you think your story is, His fingerprints are everywhere.
God has been working in your life, even if you don't realize it yet. Regardless of how insignificant you think your story is, His fingerprints are everywhere.
Have you ever asked Him for something and it actually happened? Have you seen your attitude or mindset change? Has He ever saved you?
It doesn't matter how big or small it is - God gave you a story and He wants you to share it. Even the smallest details of your story could be a powerful representation of hope to someone else.
Want to know how you can share your story? Here's how you can start:
1. Short & Sweet - It doesn't have to be a novel to move people. A two-sentence story about a changed life is powerful. In the Bible, a short and sweet story led to revival in Samaria. Don't underestimate it.
2. You & Yours - Your story is yours, and it is powerful because it is personal. Saved from a life of crime and substance abuse? Don't be ashamed of that. Did Jesus rescue you from perfectionism and people-pleasing? That is just as powerful. Be honest, and people will lean in.
3. Before & After - A good story only needs three components: (1) before, (2) Jesus, and (3) after. Or, said another way, (1) How was your life before Jesus?, (2) How did you meet Jesus? and (3) How is your life after knowing Jesus? Get a simple answer to each question and you're well on your way.
4. Just Do It - Take some time to pray and think through your story. Go ahead and write it out. Do you think that it could bless someone else? We sure do. Please share it with us.
You can keep building your Story Sharing muscles by:
Reflecting - You'll never have a finished story. There will always be new things that God will be doing in and through you. Taking time to reflect and practice daily gratitude can help us realize new areas of our story that God wants to reveal – give it a try in the Crossroads App.
Practicing - You'll get better at what you practice. So find a friend you feel comfortable with and ask them if you can practice telling your story.
Listening - Check out powerful stories from our community at Humans of Crossroads, Spirit Stories podcast, or a host of original articles.
Looking - God stories are all around us. Keep your ear to the ground, and you'll start to see them pop up in the most unlikely places—from weekend messages, to coffee dates with friends. When someone shares one with you, be sure to give them encouragement.