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Life alone might be easier, but it is also emptier. Relationships can be hard work, but they are the key to not just surviving but thriving. Here's how you can move into a life more connected.
At the beginning of the Bible, God creates everything—sun and stars, land and oceans, plants and animals, and lastly, man. He looks down and calls everything good. But He then declares that "it is not good for man to be alone" (Genesis 2:18).
That reality still rings true today. With loneliness at epidemic levels, is it any wonder that mental illness, substance abuse, and suicide are also on the rise? We weren't created to do life alone, and we can never reach the level of joy, abundance, transcendence, and meaning that God wants for us without friends.
We were designed to live in community.
It's core to our DNA as humans. In a sense, it's primal. From the beginning of time, we were made to have real relationships—people we laugh with and argue with, people we help in times of need and people we can depend on, people who give us grace and a swift kick in the pants when we need it.
Too many of us have robbed ourselves of the benefits of community because it's difficult. But like most things in life, anything worth doing will be challenging. All aspects of our life can be improved by the presence of the right people—and your faith is no different. Sharing your life with other people who believe in God is one of the essential ingredients to building a faith that lasts.
True growth is amplified by others.
Early believers knew that community was crucial. When we look at the New Testament, most of the books were letters written to groups of people rather than to individuals. Why? These writers knew that growth was more potent in a communal environment—that faith would be at its most powerful when it could be shared and reinforced by groups of friends as they lived their lives together.
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. - Hebrews 10:23-25
Let's be clear, community is rarely something that you stumble upon. It's something that you build. It takes time, effort, and patience to develop and maintain relationships. It is a spiritual discipline that takes a lot of work but provides the greatest opportunity for you to grow.
Captain America by himself? That's just a dude in tights. Captain America with all of the Avengers? Now, that's unstoppable.

No matter the state of your friendships, there is always room to grow. Here are a few ideas to get you moving toward a life more connected:
  • Join a sports league
  • Ask a coworker if they want to grab lunch or a beer after work
  • Make it a point to speak with your neighbors when you see them out
  • Be the first to initiate conversation
  • Send a text to someone you enjoy spending time with but haven't spoken to in a while – Be the one to break the ice
Looking to engage with community at Crossroads? Here are some great options:
Join a group
Take the Groups Finder Quiz to find a good fit for you or search for a group.
Is God calling you to lead a group?
We have resources to help you start your group, invite people into your group, and grow as a Leader. Apply to lead a group.
Engage with Crossroads and Make Friends
Join a volunteer team, go on a Go Trip, or check out Crossroads Camps.
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