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Ep. 4: Spiritual Capital

8 mins

Ultimate Would You Rather | Older Kids' Club

Three guys go into a furnace, and come out without a scratch!? Only God could accomplish that. Join us as we learn about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and how God is always with us….he is always good. After you’ve watched the video, use these convo starters to talk about it. Plus, find coloring pages and activity sheets below.

Convo Starters.

  • How did Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego follow God?
  • Everyone else was doing what the king asked, because they didn’t want to go in the furnace. Have you ever felt pressure to do something because all your friends were doing it?
  • What kind of “fire” are you going through right now? What’s one hard thing that you’re facing?

Download the activity sheet

Featuring Kids' Club

May 7, 2021 15 mins 8 sec