There is Power in the Name of Jesus

Everyone deals with feeling alone or vulnerable on some level. Yet, vulnerability in the Bible is depicted not as a fault or a weakness, but as a means by which we can develop and strengthen our relationship with God. We see this through stories of orphans and widows in the Bible – particularly in the book of Ruth. People who have not only lost their loved ones, but their name. No matter who you are, God is clear: he wants to adopt you into his family and give you his name. Once named, the vulnerable are protected, the weak can be strong, and the lonely find family.

  • 00:00:16
    - Barbara. Take two.
  • 00:00:21
    - Hola. Me nombre es Barbara.
  • 00:04:17
    - Hey, welcome to Crossroads.
  • 00:04:18
    I'm Sean and I'm a part of the Crossroads Anywhere team.
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    You know, Crossroads is one church
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    with many locations full of people
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    meeting digitally and physically all over the world
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    in church buildings, homes, dorm rooms, bars,
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    and really, really just about anywhere people can gather.
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    And I know there are hundreds and thousands
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    of you meeting all around the globe.
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    And really, I would love to help you
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    find the right people who can help you grow
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    on your journey with God.
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    Now, today, you're joining us in a series
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    all about hope, and we believe that
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    Jesus is the best shot that any of us have at true hope.
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    You know, that story is why
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    I love being a part of this place.
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    You know, we partner with organizations
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    around the world to bring hope to people
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    in places that need it.
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    Barbara is a modern day widow who lost everything.
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    She was incredibly vulnerable,
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    and yet God was looking to bring hope to her life.
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    That's what today is all about:
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    Jesus bringing hope to vulnerable places.
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    Right now we're going to sing some songs
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    to the God we believe offers us our best shot at hope.
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    If you don't believe every word, that's okay.
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    You are in the right place.
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    We just encourage you not to jump ahead
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    and to lean in and worship with us.
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    - Let's sing to the One
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    who has all power over those walls.
  • 00:09:39
    If you ever wonder
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    why people call Him King Jesus,
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    I want to tell you it's because He is
  • 00:09:46
    the authority above all other authorities.
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    He is the foundation of what true kingship looks like.
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    He is. He's the lion and He's the lamb.
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    He's full of power, yet He's full of sacrifice
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    at the same time.
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    The Bible tells us that the kings
  • 00:10:06
    and the evil powers of this world
  • 00:10:08
    will rise up to try to destroy Him.
  • 00:10:12
    But I want to read you what it says in Revelation 17:
  • 00:10:32
    This is the One, King Jesus, who is worthy,
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    worthy of our worship, the true King.
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    And so I will sing these words to Him,
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    to the One who has all power.
  • 00:11:42
    - Sing the Reign of Darkness.
  • 00:22:46
    When we sing who You are back to You,
  • 00:22:50
    because You are Holy, because You are great,
  • 00:22:54
    because You are mighty, because You are strong,
  • 00:22:58
    because You are truth.
  • 00:23:02
    God, You are worthy of worship.
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    You are worthy of affection.
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    You are worthy of our attention,
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    so we give it to you right here in this moment.
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    We sing holy to You.
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    What us singing who You are,
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    reflect back on us so that we can see who we are
  • 00:23:24
    because of who You are,
  • 00:23:26
    because of who You called us to be.
  • 00:23:29
    That is Your holiness, Your faithfulness
  • 00:23:31
    that we chase after.
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    It's Your Name that we make great,
  • 00:23:36
    that we sing, we sing to You that we worship.
  • 00:23:41
    You are worthy of praise.
  • 00:23:45
    In Your Son's name, we pray. Amen.
  • 00:23:51
    Yeah, you can clap for that.
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    I hope you feel His presence in the room.
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    He's here. He's with us.
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    It's a beautiful thing when we get to worship the Lord,
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    He's here with us.
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    Thank you for being here.
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    For our Anywhere community, we're so glad
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    that you're worshiping with us.
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    Hey, before you grab a seat,
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    why don't you say hey to somebody around you?
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    Maybe you find two people say, what's up?
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    Tell them your name if you don't know them.
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    You can have a seat.
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    - We say this a lot,
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    but it's because we really believe it:
  • 00:24:26
    Crossroads is not just content to watch.
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    Our hope and prayer is that all of this
  • 00:24:31
    is just the foundation and launching point
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    to helping you grow and experience life change.
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    One way that we believe you'll grow,
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    and we're like 99% sure of it, actually,
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    is through the seven proven practices.
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    By logging on to watch this,
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    you're already doing one of the practices
  • 00:24:47
    through receiving weekly teaching.
  • 00:24:48
    Congratulations and well done.
  • 00:24:50
    Like, seriously, that is awesome.
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    You know, another one of those practices
  • 00:24:53
    is living generously.
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    And we believe that specifically
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    through something called the tithe.
  • 00:24:58
    So what is the tithe?
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    Well, we believe the Bible
  • 00:25:02
    has a standard for giving, where we give 10%
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    of our gross income back to God
  • 00:25:06
    through our local church.
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    Our entire staff tithes.
  • 00:25:09
    And we have close to 4000 people
  • 00:25:11
    who have been self-declared as tithers
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    as a part of our Blue Team.
  • 00:25:16
    Now, when you hear that, you may think that
  • 00:25:18
    that sounds crazy, or even might even sound
  • 00:25:20
    like bondage to you, like there's some divine rule
  • 00:25:23
    that you have to follow with your money.
  • 00:25:24
    You know, many people react that way at first,
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    but hang with me.
  • 00:25:28
    If you ask someone who ties faithfully,
  • 00:25:31
    they will almost always tell you
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    it has brought the exact opposite of bondage.
  • 00:25:35
    Tithing has brought them freedom
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    because when you get on God's plan,
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    He delivers on His promises.
  • 00:25:40
    Proverbs 3:9-10 says:
  • 00:25:52
    And we have countless stories of people
  • 00:25:54
    who will confirm what this verse says:
  • 00:25:57
    that God is faithful and generous and good.
  • 00:26:01
    And I found that to definitely be true
  • 00:26:03
    in my own life and my own journey
  • 00:26:04
    when it comes to tithing.
  • 00:26:06
    Now, if you want to try tithing, we've made it easy
  • 00:26:08
    with something called the Tithe Test.
  • 00:26:11
    If you truly tithe for 90 days
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    and you don't see God show up in some way
  • 00:26:16
    in your life like He promises to do,
  • 00:26:18
    we will refund all of your money.
  • 00:26:20
    There's literally no risk.
  • 00:26:22
    We've done this for five years and
  • 00:26:24
    less than 2% of people have asked for refunds.
  • 00:26:27
    Check it out at
  • 00:26:30
    to engage with it or maybe just to get
  • 00:26:32
    a few more questions about tithing answered.
  • 00:26:35
    And we also have a tool for everyone,
  • 00:26:37
    no matter where you're at in your tithing journey.
  • 00:26:39
    We know that while God brings freedom,
  • 00:26:41
    the world's financial ways almost always bring bondage.
  • 00:26:44
    That's why we created an entire program
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    called Freed Up.
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    It's designed to help you manage your finances
  • 00:26:50
    in ways that God says will work best.
  • 00:26:52
    It's a program to help guide and equip people
  • 00:26:54
    who follow Jesus to manage money in a healthier way.
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    It's all through biblical wisdom.
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    And you can engage with it alongside others
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    in community through a group.
  • 00:27:04
    So check out
  • 00:27:06
    for all the details and to learn more about it.
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    And whether or not your years deep
  • 00:27:11
    in your tithing journey, you're just beginning,
  • 00:27:13
    or you're not quite there yet,
  • 00:27:14
    you can support the work God is doing here
  • 00:27:16
    at our church at
  • 00:27:20
    Now right now we're going to hear from
  • 00:27:21
    our teaching pastor Alli Patterson,
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    on how Jesus brings hope to the vulnerable
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    and how we can be a part of that too.
  • 00:28:08
    - Well, hey everyone, I'm Alli.
  • 00:28:10
    It's great to be with you gathered in community
  • 00:28:12
    here at Crossroads this weekend.
  • 00:28:14
    I don't know about you, but the last few weeks here
  • 00:28:17
    have ended up being some of my favorite in recent memory.
  • 00:28:21
    My husband and I do what I think you guys do too.
  • 00:28:23
    You can tell me.
  • 00:28:24
    We get in the car and we go, "Did you like that?
  • 00:28:27
    What'd you think?
  • 00:28:29
    Did you get anything out of it?
  • 00:28:30
    Do you really like him?"
  • 00:28:31
    We know you do that. It's all good.
  • 00:28:33
    But the last few weeks,
  • 00:28:34
    all of those car conversations, I feel like
  • 00:28:37
    just one after the next, we've been like,
  • 00:28:39
    "Wow, that was really good.
  • 00:28:40
    I'm so uplifted. I feel so good."
  • 00:28:42
    And I think it's because we've been majoring
  • 00:28:44
    on a message of hope, really deeply looking at
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    the hope that the gospel brings
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    into especially the life of the hopeless.
  • 00:28:53
    These six different groups of people
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    that we see all throughout Scripture
  • 00:28:58
    seem beyond hope: the sick, the prisoner,
  • 00:29:00
    the poor, the stranger.
  • 00:29:02
    Today we're going to be talking about another one
  • 00:29:04
    that appears over and over again through the Bible,
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    and the group is referred to often
  • 00:29:10
    as orphans and widows.
  • 00:29:11
    And strangely, they almost always appear together,
  • 00:29:15
    which we're going to be talking about today.
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    And I think you're going to leave here
  • 00:29:19
    knowing that you have far more in common
  • 00:29:22
    with widows and orphans, spiritually speaking,
  • 00:29:25
    than you might ever have known.
  • 00:29:27
    And God wants to offer the protection
  • 00:29:30
    and provision that we need
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    in a really profound and unexpected way.
  • 00:29:34
    So let me pray for us as we get started.
  • 00:29:39
    Lord, thank You for Your Word to us tonight
  • 00:29:42
    about any place that we are vulnerable.
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    I pray that You would meet us in that space
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    and bring new life and new hope there.
  • 00:29:50
    In Jesus's name, Amen.
  • 00:29:53
    Well, I've known that I'm going to be
  • 00:29:54
    talking about orphans and widows
  • 00:29:55
    for a couple of months.
  • 00:29:57
    The way our teaching plan works is
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    we usually know the topics several months in advance.
  • 00:30:00
    But the very Monday morning
  • 00:30:02
    that I started to work on this message,
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    I actually got an email.
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    I opened up my email and right there in my inbox
  • 00:30:08
    was an email that said, the subject line said,
  • 00:30:11
    can I talk to you about widows?
  • 00:30:13
    And I had to laugh because sometimes God
  • 00:30:16
    just literally sends you an email to help you.
  • 00:30:18
    And so of course, I responded.
  • 00:30:20
    It was to a woman in our Mason community
  • 00:30:22
    who wanted to share some things with me about widows.
  • 00:30:25
    She had heard that I was actually doing
  • 00:30:27
    a lot more work on things for women
  • 00:30:29
    in our community, and heard about
  • 00:30:30
    the conference that is coming in August.
  • 00:30:32
    It's called the Ignite Conference.
  • 00:30:34
    We're going to be really encouraging women
  • 00:30:35
    to look at stepping into a deeper life
  • 00:30:38
    of purpose and mission.
  • 00:30:40
    And so she wanted to share with me
  • 00:30:42
    that her purpose, her mission, is to care for widows.
  • 00:30:45
    She was widowed at a young age
  • 00:30:47
    and has been building a community
  • 00:30:49
    right here inside our community
  • 00:30:51
    that really is focused on widows.
  • 00:30:53
    And it was so eye opening for me to talk with her,
  • 00:30:56
    because it's just not a topic that I've lived.
  • 00:30:58
    And so hearing her experience and understanding
  • 00:31:02
    all of the ways that God has met her
  • 00:31:04
    in her own story really started to open my eyes
  • 00:31:07
    to widows everywhere.
  • 00:31:09
    Did you know there are 258 million widows
  • 00:31:15
    in the world today? That blew me away.
  • 00:31:18
    It absolutely blew me away.
  • 00:31:19
    In my conversation with her, I realized that
  • 00:31:22
    though the circumstances, the culture
  • 00:31:24
    is extremely different than
  • 00:31:25
    what we read about in the Bible,
  • 00:31:27
    the outcomes in the life of this vulnerable group
  • 00:31:30
    really are not very different.
  • 00:31:32
    It remains one of the significant life events
  • 00:31:35
    that can plunge people into poverty.
  • 00:31:36
    Like 10% of widows around the world
  • 00:31:39
    live in the poorest of poor conditions.
  • 00:31:42
    And the poverty rate here in the US
  • 00:31:44
    is much, much higher than comparable groups
  • 00:31:47
    of women their age.
  • 00:31:48
    Now I say women, not because widowers,
  • 00:31:51
    men don't experience the same pain
  • 00:31:54
    in the loss of a spouse,
  • 00:31:55
    but only because the numbers don't lie.
  • 00:31:58
    The laws on inheritance and transfer of wealth
  • 00:32:03
    and property laws and things like that
  • 00:32:04
    around the world, along with, you know,
  • 00:32:07
    interruptions to work experience
  • 00:32:08
    because of family care and all that kind of stuff.
  • 00:32:11
    It really deeply accounts for widows
  • 00:32:14
    becoming one of the most vulnerable groups
  • 00:32:16
    around the globe, and orphans.
  • 00:32:20
    And I started to ask myself, like,
  • 00:32:22
    what is it that these two groups have in common?
  • 00:32:24
    Why in the Bible, over and over
  • 00:32:26
    do widows and orphans, widows and orphans,
  • 00:32:27
    they're named together all the time?
  • 00:32:29
    And it's because they've suffered a similar kind of loss.
  • 00:32:33
    One of the more known verses
  • 00:32:36
    in the New Testament about widows and orphans
  • 00:32:38
    is this from James 1:27. It says:
  • 00:32:50
    They have a common distress.
  • 00:32:52
    What is that distress?
  • 00:32:54
    That's the question, right?
  • 00:32:55
    Why are they grouped together
  • 00:32:56
    in this intense vulnerability?
  • 00:32:58
    It's because they've lost the very people
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    that we're supposed to be protecting
  • 00:33:03
    and providing for them.
  • 00:33:05
    They've lost the strength
  • 00:33:07
    of something underneath their life.
  • 00:33:08
    I was shocked at the numbers of orphans too:
  • 00:33:10
    153 million.
  • 00:33:13
    And even my surprise at as I dug into this topic,
  • 00:33:17
    actually kind of speaks to the experience
  • 00:33:19
    of these vulnerable groups.
  • 00:33:20
    They almost disappear in societies.
  • 00:33:24
    They fall into the cracks.
  • 00:33:26
    We don't notice them in our own life.
  • 00:33:28
    We're unaware because they have to continue living.
  • 00:33:31
    Like what kind of deep, intense loss
  • 00:33:34
    they've actually been through.
  • 00:33:35
    They not have only lost provision,
  • 00:33:38
    they've actually lost something that
  • 00:33:40
    the Bible treats in a very different way
  • 00:33:42
    than we do in our American culture.
  • 00:33:44
    They've lost the strength of their family name.
  • 00:33:48
    The more I read about widows and orphans
  • 00:33:50
    through scripture, the more I understood that
  • 00:33:52
    this common distress, this common loss is,
  • 00:33:55
    yes, about care and provision,
  • 00:33:57
    and all of that is important.
  • 00:33:59
    But underneath that is the loss of a name.
  • 00:34:03
    It's the loss of the power of a family name.
  • 00:34:06
    Now, Americans, we don't really like this idea.
  • 00:34:10
    Like our cultural mindset kind of tends to be one,
  • 00:34:13
    like, I can make my own way in the world.
  • 00:34:16
    We like that.
  • 00:34:18
    We prefer the individual message
  • 00:34:20
    where you can start fresh every generation.
  • 00:34:22
    A lot of us aren't familiar with our own family trees.
  • 00:34:25
    We're just going to go out
  • 00:34:26
    and create a new identity
  • 00:34:28
    and a new destiny for ourselves.
  • 00:34:30
    And that's a very American mindset.
  • 00:34:33
    No matter what you think of that,
  • 00:34:35
    good, bad or otherwise,
  • 00:34:37
    it definitely doesn't communicate
  • 00:34:40
    what the Bible talks about in terms of name,
  • 00:34:43
    the strength of power, the undergirding influence
  • 00:34:47
    of a name, a name that gives cover,
  • 00:34:49
    help, opportunity.
  • 00:34:50
    More like being a Vanderbilt
  • 00:34:52
    or a Rockefeller or something.
  • 00:34:54
    You know, a name that can open doors for you
  • 00:34:56
    and name that that provides for you in ways
  • 00:34:59
    that you could never have without that name.
  • 00:35:02
    That is what a name really alludes to in the Bible:
  • 00:35:07
    your identity, your occupation,
  • 00:35:09
    your community, your inheritance.
  • 00:35:11
    And when it comes right down to it,
  • 00:35:13
    your very survival, your very survival
  • 00:35:16
    is wrapped up around name.
  • 00:35:18
    And so when when God describes the distress
  • 00:35:21
    of orphans and widows, it's the gravest kind,
  • 00:35:24
    it's the loss of a name.
  • 00:35:28
    And we see that reality take place
  • 00:35:30
    in a book of the Bible that we're going
  • 00:35:31
    to look at together tonight, the book of Ruth.
  • 00:35:33
    And Ruth is a snapshot of one family's story
  • 00:35:38
    in the middle of an Old Testament period of the Bible.
  • 00:35:40
    And so you get four little chapters.
  • 00:35:42
    Ruth is an amazing book,
  • 00:35:44
    highly recommend you go read it.
  • 00:35:45
    Hopefully you'll want to after tonight.
  • 00:35:47
    It's an amazing short book,
  • 00:35:49
    and it's about the family of a guy named Elimelek.
  • 00:35:53
    And Elimelek has a wife named Naomi,
  • 00:35:56
    and they're in a famine in Bethlehem.
  • 00:35:58
    They live in Bethlehem, and a great famine hits the land,
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    and they decide they need to move to
  • 00:36:04
    a neighboring country called Moab
  • 00:36:06
    to try to escape the famine.
  • 00:36:07
    And so they do that,
  • 00:36:08
    and tragedy continues to follow them there.
  • 00:36:13
    And Naomi becomes a widow.
  • 00:36:14
    Here's how the book of Ruth starts:
  • 00:36:36
    Naomi was not only widowed directly by her husband,
  • 00:36:39
    but then her sons died, so they would have been
  • 00:36:42
    the ones that would have carried on that name,
  • 00:36:44
    that provision, that protection for her
  • 00:36:47
    and for the wives that they left.
  • 00:36:50
    Three widows, no options for survival, no family name.
  • 00:36:54
    Naomi knew what that meant for their future.
  • 00:36:57
    And so she did what made sense to do.
  • 00:37:01
    She starts saying to the two daughters,
  • 00:37:03
    "You need to go take your best shot
  • 00:37:06
    f being provided for somewhere else,
  • 00:37:08
    because I don't have anything for you."
  • 00:37:10
    Here's what she tells them, it says:
  • 00:37:38
    Naomi says I have no name to offer you.
  • 00:37:43
    And if I don't have a name to cover you with,
  • 00:37:46
    then you might as well go back to the one you came from.
  • 00:37:51
    You have no hope with me.
  • 00:37:53
    She's trying her best
  • 00:37:54
    to do what she thought was right for them,
  • 00:37:55
    and she pushes them away.
  • 00:37:57
    And so one of them, her name is Orpah,
  • 00:37:58
    she does what Naomi says. She returned home.
  • 00:38:01
    Now, if only her name were Oprah,
  • 00:38:05
    she could have gone, "You get a husband
  • 00:38:07
    and you get a husband and you get a husband," right?
  • 00:38:10
    It is just one little letter flip flop.
  • 00:38:13
    You got to wonder what happened there, right?
  • 00:38:15
    Anyway, Orpah does what you would expect her to do.
  • 00:38:18
    She says, "That makes sense.
  • 00:38:19
    That seems like the wise idea."
  • 00:38:20
    And she returns to her family's household.
  • 00:38:23
    Because when we feel vulnerable
  • 00:38:26
    what makes sense to us, what we want to do
  • 00:38:29
    is we want to protect ourselves.
  • 00:38:30
    We want to take our best chance
  • 00:38:32
    of being provided for, of course. Right?
  • 00:38:35
    That just seems to make sense.
  • 00:38:37
    And that's what Orpah does.
  • 00:38:38
    I was thinking about something that
  • 00:38:42
    I started getting told as a teenager
  • 00:38:44
    by the culture, by people I knew, just messages,
  • 00:38:47
    you know, you pick up about ways
  • 00:38:49
    that you need to be in your life.
  • 00:38:51
    I think every woman I know has this kind of story.
  • 00:38:54
    I started getting told things
  • 00:38:56
    when I was a young woman about the fact
  • 00:38:58
    that I was physically vulnerable.
  • 00:39:01
    Now, those words weren't used, but that's the idea.
  • 00:39:04
    Like, you never --
  • 00:39:05
    I mean, when I went to college,
  • 00:39:07
    I can't count the number of people that were,
  • 00:39:09
    like, "You never walk anywhere alone.
  • 00:39:11
    Don't ever walk anywhere alone, especially at night."
  • 00:39:13
    I think I had to walk home one time by myself
  • 00:39:16
    from being out with some friends,
  • 00:39:17
    because we got separated, and I walked
  • 00:39:19
    straight down the middle of the street
  • 00:39:21
    with my head on a swivel like this,
  • 00:39:23
    you know, like, where is he?
  • 00:39:24
    Somebody coming for me?
  • 00:39:27
    I walked to my car with my keys in my hand.
  • 00:39:30
    I check under my car before I get in.
  • 00:39:32
    If there's a man in the elevator and I'm alone,
  • 00:39:34
    I get out of it.
  • 00:39:35
    Like things that I've been told from
  • 00:39:37
    the time I was young that imply you are vulnerable.
  • 00:39:42
    And I was thinking about that idea
  • 00:39:44
    and how we establish these practices in our life
  • 00:39:47
    around our assumptions that we're vulnerable,
  • 00:39:50
    maybe physically, maybe financially for you,
  • 00:39:52
    maybe you can't take one more financial hit.
  • 00:39:54
    You're barely making it.
  • 00:39:57
    And if something happens, you're done.
  • 00:40:00
    Like, something cannot break.
  • 00:40:02
    You know you're vulnerable. You're best.
  • 00:40:04
    I think the thing that marks vulnerability for me
  • 00:40:07
    is the idea that even at my best,
  • 00:40:09
    even at my strongest,
  • 00:40:10
    I still may not be able to help myself.
  • 00:40:13
    I still may not be able to protect myself.
  • 00:40:16
    That is vulnerability.
  • 00:40:19
    Financial. Emotional. Physical. Environmental.
  • 00:40:23
    Maybe you have a home or a workplace
  • 00:40:25
    that doesn't feel like a safe place to be,
  • 00:40:27
    and every time you walk in the door,
  • 00:40:29
    you get this feeling of vulnerability.
  • 00:40:31
    And when we do that, we want to protect ourselves.
  • 00:40:33
    We want to take the way out that's given to us.
  • 00:40:37
    And that is exactly what Orpah does.
  • 00:40:42
    I don't want you to miss the idea
  • 00:40:45
    that this is where you are spiritually.
  • 00:40:48
    This is where we all are spiritually before God.
  • 00:40:52
    And Americans can miss this idea because
  • 00:40:55
    we take this idea of vulnerability
  • 00:40:57
    and we want to crush it.
  • 00:40:59
    We're like, no, no, no, I can handle this.
  • 00:41:01
    I just need some pepper spray or a big bank account
  • 00:41:03
    or whatever it's going to be,
  • 00:41:05
    and I can make myself not vulnerable.
  • 00:41:09
    And you cannot.
  • 00:41:11
    You cannot handle your spiritual vulnerability.
  • 00:41:16
    You don't have a way to do that.
  • 00:41:19
    You can try.
  • 00:41:20
    You can try to one day show up before God
  • 00:41:24
    and convince Him or bargain with Him
  • 00:41:27
    that your best really was enough.
  • 00:41:28
    You can try to protect yourself
  • 00:41:31
    against a spiritual enemy that actually
  • 00:41:34
    has a claim on you and on your life.
  • 00:41:36
    You can give that a shot.
  • 00:41:39
    But these are the realities spiritually
  • 00:41:41
    that we encounter over and over and over again
  • 00:41:44
    in the Bible, that we are vulnerable spiritually.
  • 00:41:47
    The unfortunate spiritual truth is that
  • 00:41:51
    your eternity is not going to be determined
  • 00:41:54
    by good enough or strong enough,
  • 00:41:57
    or your own ability to protect yourself
  • 00:41:59
    in whatever way you're going to try.
  • 00:42:02
    It's about whether you carry a certain name.
  • 00:42:08
    And you and me, we are spiritual no names.
  • 00:42:14
    You have no name before God that means anything to Him.
  • 00:42:18
    You have no name of significance.
  • 00:42:20
    No matter the grandest name on earth
  • 00:42:22
    has no significance to Him in heaven.
  • 00:42:26
    You are a Naomi. You are a Ruth.
  • 00:42:28
    You are an orphan.
  • 00:42:30
    You show up, spiritually speaking,
  • 00:42:32
    before God as an absolute no name,
  • 00:42:36
    completely without provision or power
  • 00:42:40
    or anything that would recommend you
  • 00:42:42
    to Him in any significant way.
  • 00:42:43
    Your family name, no matter how good or how bad,
  • 00:42:46
    it gets you nothing in heaven,
  • 00:42:48
    it gets you nothing with God.
  • 00:42:49
    It doesn't get you any perks.
  • 00:42:50
    It doesn't get you any access.
  • 00:42:52
    It doesn't get you any inheritance.
  • 00:42:54
    It gets you absolutely nothing.
  • 00:42:57
    That's the reality of who we are
  • 00:43:00
    spiritually before the Lord.
  • 00:43:03
    We're widows. We're orphans.
  • 00:43:05
    We've lost the power of carrying the right family name.
  • 00:43:09
    Now, Orpah did the thing that makes sense
  • 00:43:13
    in our minds to do.
  • 00:43:14
    She's like, "Okay, I'm going to take my best shot.
  • 00:43:16
    I'm going to go home.
  • 00:43:17
    I'm going to try to help myself.
  • 00:43:18
    Hopefully this is the right thing to do."
  • 00:43:21
    And we kind of do that spiritually.
  • 00:43:23
    Like, "I'm pretty good-ish, better than that guy.
  • 00:43:28
    I'm going to take my best shot
  • 00:43:29
    and hope that God gives me some grace on the day?"
  • 00:43:34
    But Ruth did something different.
  • 00:43:38
    Ruth does something radically different.
  • 00:43:40
    And I read her story and I'm like,
  • 00:43:42
    did she know what she was doing?
  • 00:43:44
    I can't answer that question from the text,
  • 00:43:47
    but what I know is that when she said these words,
  • 00:43:50
    she did about as different a thing
  • 00:43:53
    as you could possibly do than what Orpah did.
  • 00:43:56
    Here's what she says. She says -- it says:
  • 00:44:20
  • 00:44:22
    This is about as opposite a take
  • 00:44:25
    on what needs to be done
  • 00:44:26
    in this intensely vulnerable situation
  • 00:44:29
    that you could possibly get.
  • 00:44:30
    Ruth goes all in, not just on Naomi,
  • 00:44:34
    but Naomi's God. Did you catch that?
  • 00:44:36
    She said, "May God deal with me ever so severely."
  • 00:44:40
    She's making a vow to the God of Naomi.
  • 00:44:44
    And so I wondered, like, what?
  • 00:44:45
    What experience could she have had?
  • 00:44:47
    They lived in Moab the whole time.
  • 00:44:49
    Why did she respond this way?
  • 00:44:51
    What did she know of Him?
  • 00:44:53
    I don't know that, but what I do know
  • 00:44:55
    is that right here, those words,
  • 00:44:58
    she chose the family of God over her own.
  • 00:45:01
    She went all in on God in this moment.
  • 00:45:05
    And she went back to Bethlehem with Naomi.
  • 00:45:08
    Her life changed right here,
  • 00:45:10
    and she probably thought for a minute
  • 00:45:13
    it was for the worse.
  • 00:45:16
    When she said those words, what she communicated
  • 00:45:20
    to Naomi and to God is that
  • 00:45:22
    she wanted to take on the family name.
  • 00:45:27
    She was going to renounce her own,
  • 00:45:28
    she was going to stick with Naomi,
  • 00:45:30
    and she was also going to take on
  • 00:45:31
    the family name of Naomi's God.
  • 00:45:36
    If you're familiar with the Lord's Prayer,
  • 00:45:39
    it's the prayer in the New Testament
  • 00:45:41
    that is how Jesus taught His disciples to pray.
  • 00:45:44
    He said, "Pray like this," and He said some words,
  • 00:45:46
    and a lot of people memorize those
  • 00:45:48
    and we call it the Lord's Prayer.
  • 00:45:50
    And it starts, "Our Father, who art in heaven,
  • 00:45:53
    hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come."
  • 00:45:55
    If that sounds familiar, that's the Lord's Prayer.
  • 00:45:58
    And I was thinking about those words:
  • 00:46:02
    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
  • 00:46:05
    Hallowed just means holy. Set apart.
  • 00:46:08
    Significantly different. Other. Higher than.
  • 00:46:14
    God is a Father with a holy name.
  • 00:46:23
    Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
  • 00:46:26
    What does that refer to?
  • 00:46:28
    It's because He has a family name
  • 00:46:31
    and it's a name that's different than any other name.
  • 00:46:33
    It's a hallowed name. It's a holy name.
  • 00:46:36
    It's a name that's set apart
  • 00:46:37
    and unlike yours and mine.
  • 00:46:40
    All through scripture, the way this name
  • 00:46:42
    is referred to, it's just often called
  • 00:46:44
    the name of the Lord.
  • 00:46:46
    And that sounds like, I don't know,
  • 00:46:47
    kind of simple, generic.
  • 00:46:48
    You could read right over it, maybe miss
  • 00:46:50
    the fact that what's being referred to there,
  • 00:46:53
    the name of the Lord, is not just any old reference,
  • 00:46:57
    it's the totality of God.
  • 00:47:00
    God has given a lot of specific names
  • 00:47:02
    that describe one aspect of His character.
  • 00:47:05
    But when you hear the name of the Lord,
  • 00:47:08
    what's being communicated there is
  • 00:47:10
    the totality of God, all that He is,
  • 00:47:13
    all that makes Him holy,
  • 00:47:14
    all that makes Him separate and different.
  • 00:47:16
    It's his family name.
  • 00:47:19
    And interestingly, every time this family name
  • 00:47:21
    is mentioned, it sounds an awful lot
  • 00:47:23
    like things that vulnerable groups of people might want.
  • 00:47:27
    Here's one from Proverbs 18:10. It says:
  • 00:47:36
    Now what's a fortified tower?
  • 00:47:38
    Anyone who's reading that in the day that it
  • 00:47:40
    was written would have understood instinctively
  • 00:47:43
    a fortified tower is what gets built in towns
  • 00:47:47
    so that when an enemy strikes, the town can protect itself.
  • 00:47:50
    Literally all the people,
  • 00:47:52
    all the valuable possessions, maybe provisions,
  • 00:47:54
    and food and weapons would be hidden in these towers.
  • 00:47:58
    And so they could run to the tower
  • 00:48:00
    and defend themselves and their belongings and their town.
  • 00:48:04
    And so every village or every town
  • 00:48:07
    that was of any size would have had a tower
  • 00:48:09
    of some sort where things like that happened.
  • 00:48:12
    So if you think about the name of the Lord
  • 00:48:14
    is a fortified tower where you can be safe.
  • 00:48:18
    What are vulnerable people looking for?
  • 00:48:21
    They're looking for safety, defense,
  • 00:48:24
    provision, protection.
  • 00:48:25
    And the name of the Lord is a fortified tower.
  • 00:48:28
    It's the name of the Lord.
  • 00:48:30
    It's the family of God.
  • 00:48:31
    It's the hallowed, the holy name of God
  • 00:48:35
    that is this fortified tower that makes you safe.
  • 00:48:38
    This is the name of the Lord,
  • 00:48:39
    and it's the name that you need
  • 00:48:42
    to deal with your vulnerability too.
  • 00:48:45
    Yes, your practical vulnerabilities,
  • 00:48:47
    whatever those are day to day,
  • 00:48:49
    I believe the Lord has ways that He can
  • 00:48:51
    actually provide for you in those those vulnerabilities.
  • 00:48:55
    But mostly and bigger picture,
  • 00:48:59
    the name of the Lord is how we deal with
  • 00:49:01
    our vulnerability before God spiritually.
  • 00:49:04
    The fact that we don't belong with Him,
  • 00:49:06
    we don't have anything to recommend us,
  • 00:49:08
    we don't have any strength of any name.
  • 00:49:10
    We're at a total loss before Him.
  • 00:49:12
    The name of the Lord is what we need
  • 00:49:15
    to deal with that vulnerability.
  • 00:49:16
    And I think a lot of us don't know this kind of God.
  • 00:49:19
    We don't realize that this is who He is,
  • 00:49:21
    that this is what He's like, because we pull an Orpah.
  • 00:49:26
    We take the thing and we convince ourselves
  • 00:49:29
    we're taking the wise way out,
  • 00:49:30
    we're doing what makes sense,
  • 00:49:32
    when really we're not ever putting to the test
  • 00:49:35
    is the Lord a fortified tower for me?
  • 00:49:37
    Is the name of the Lord going to provide for me?
  • 00:49:40
    Does He mean what He says? Is He who He says He is?
  • 00:49:44
    Is the name of the Lord of relevant concept in my life?
  • 00:49:47
    The only way you can know that
  • 00:49:49
    is in your vulnerability to test and see
  • 00:49:55
    is He who He says He is?
  • 00:49:58
    Does the name of the Lord do anything for you?
  • 00:50:01
    Naomi and Ruth were hoping so, I'm guessing,
  • 00:50:03
    because they arrive in Jerusalem
  • 00:50:05
    and they are poor, they are weak,
  • 00:50:07
    they are vulnerable.
  • 00:50:08
    They were probably surprised they even made it
  • 00:50:11
    because of the danger of the journey
  • 00:50:12
    that would have existed for two women
  • 00:50:14
    traveling across that distance.
  • 00:50:17
    So they arrive in Bethlehem at their worst,
  • 00:50:20
    they're absolutely at their worst.
  • 00:50:21
    And they they arrive during a time of the year
  • 00:50:23
    that is a harvest time.
  • 00:50:24
    It was the barley harvest time.
  • 00:50:26
    And Naomi had some understanding, obviously,
  • 00:50:30
    from the story of Old Testament law,
  • 00:50:32
    which makes sense because she was
  • 00:50:34
    from the nation of Israel.
  • 00:50:35
    And so she tells Ruth a way to get them some food.
  • 00:50:39
    And I'll read to you from that section
  • 00:50:42
    of the law in Deuteronomy 24, it says:
  • 00:50:56
    The law of God, the Old Testament law
  • 00:50:59
    for the nation of Israel reflected who He was.
  • 00:51:04
    He baked in provisions like this in many
  • 00:51:07
    different places for vulnerable groups of people.
  • 00:51:13
    And one of those was so that they could eat.
  • 00:51:15
    And so Naomi tells Ruth, "Go gather
  • 00:51:17
    behind the workers in the field
  • 00:51:19
    and pick up what's left."
  • 00:51:20
    She knew that was lawful.
  • 00:51:22
    And so Ruth does that.
  • 00:51:23
    And she ends up in the field of a man named Boaz.
  • 00:51:26
    Now she doesn't know him,
  • 00:51:28
    but when he asks about her.
  • 00:51:31
    He notices her, somebody he doesn't know.
  • 00:51:33
    She would have looked physically quite different
  • 00:51:35
    than the people in the town of Bethlehem,
  • 00:51:37
    because she was from Moab.
  • 00:51:39
    And so he asks about her, and then he says this to her:
  • 00:52:05
    This is what a man of God does.
  • 00:52:09
    This is what the people of God are called to do.
  • 00:52:12
    The people of God are to bear the character of God,
  • 00:52:15
    to bring the image of God on the face of the earth.
  • 00:52:18
    And Boaz steps up and he says, "You are vulnerable.
  • 00:52:22
    I'm not going to exploit that.
  • 00:52:24
    I'm going to protect that."
  • 00:52:26
    There's nothing, according to the Bible,
  • 00:52:28
    there's about nothing you could do
  • 00:52:30
    to anger God more than to exploit the vulnerable.
  • 00:52:35
    Any time you read about that,
  • 00:52:37
    I wouldn't want to be there one day
  • 00:52:41
    and try to explain that,
  • 00:52:43
    because He takes it personal,
  • 00:52:46
    like really, really personally.
  • 00:52:48
    And He expects His people to bear His image
  • 00:52:52
    on the earth and actually to offer protection
  • 00:52:55
    and provision for vulnerable groups.
  • 00:52:58
    And Boaz does that here.
  • 00:52:59
    He exemplifies the name of the Lord.
  • 00:53:02
    And he's not just a good guy, actually.
  • 00:53:05
    See, Boaz found out what Ruth later found out,
  • 00:53:08
    which is he is in Naomi's family line.
  • 00:53:11
    He was actually a part of Naomi's family.
  • 00:53:13
    So when he asked and was told like,
  • 00:53:16
    "Oh, that's the widow that moved back here with Naomi,"
  • 00:53:19
    he takes a special interest
  • 00:53:20
    because he's actually in their family line.
  • 00:53:23
    And besides good guy points,
  • 00:53:26
    like, he's clearly a nice guy.
  • 00:53:27
    He knows that he plays a special role.
  • 00:53:29
    He's actually a key to their survival.
  • 00:53:33
    And the question is, what will he do with it?
  • 00:53:35
    Because God was about to, through Boaz,
  • 00:53:38
    give them the chance to access the family name.
  • 00:53:41
    That's what He wants to do for you.
  • 00:53:44
    That's what He wants to do for me.
  • 00:53:45
    He actually wants to bring us to the very person
  • 00:53:48
    that can access the family name for us.
  • 00:53:50
    He wants us to become a part of
  • 00:53:53
    what He can offer us through the name of the Lord,
  • 00:53:55
    the great protective, providing name of the Lord.
  • 00:54:00
    He wants that for us.
  • 00:54:01
    And so what He's trying to do is push us
  • 00:54:03
    to the person that can actually offer that to us.
  • 00:54:06
    And in Ruth's story, that's Boaz, that's Boaz.
  • 00:54:10
    And so Boaz does it.
  • 00:54:12
    He does what he knows he can do to help them.
  • 00:54:16
    See, he had a special title under the law.
  • 00:54:20
    He was called the kinsman redeemer.
  • 00:54:23
    I know that's a funny title,
  • 00:54:25
    but it was set apart in the law,
  • 00:54:28
    designated as the nearest relative
  • 00:54:31
    for situations exactly like this
  • 00:54:33
    that was able to take on all the property
  • 00:54:36
    and to redeem it back to the family that it came from.
  • 00:54:41
    And so Boaz knows as a near relative
  • 00:54:44
    of these two widows, he actually has the right
  • 00:54:47
    to buy the lands and all the property
  • 00:54:49
    that went with Elimelek
  • 00:54:51
    because they are relatives, near relatives.
  • 00:54:55
    And he also, as a result of that,
  • 00:54:57
    would take on the care of the widows.
  • 00:55:00
    And so Boaz knows that this is him
  • 00:55:03
    and he actually has to pay a price for this.
  • 00:55:06
    There's a guy in the story
  • 00:55:07
    whose name is never mentioned, probably because --
  • 00:55:11
    I don't know, he's not who you want to be.
  • 00:55:13
    So they never even tell us his name.
  • 00:55:15
    He's the one that's nearer than Boaz.
  • 00:55:18
    There's one guy, and you know what he says?
  • 00:55:21
    "I don't want to pay the price."
  • 00:55:25
    Because to redeem them, people didn't like
  • 00:55:29
    take up a Go Fund Me page.
  • 00:55:31
    He had to, out of his own fortune,
  • 00:55:34
    purchase the land, the possessions, the property,
  • 00:55:38
    everything that went with Elimelek,
  • 00:55:39
    he had to purchase it back.
  • 00:55:42
    And the first guy says,
  • 00:55:43
    "It's going to cost me too much.
  • 00:55:45
    I don't want to do that."
  • 00:55:48
    And Boaz steps in, and here's what he says instead:
  • 00:56:17
    Boaz was the one who could preserve the name.
  • 00:56:22
    He was the one who was qualified.
  • 00:56:24
    He was the right relative, the right guy,
  • 00:56:26
    the nearest person who was not only able,
  • 00:56:29
    but also willing.
  • 00:56:32
    The first guy was able, he just wasn't willing.
  • 00:56:34
    Boaz had to be both able and willing,
  • 00:56:38
    and what he wanted was to preserve the name
  • 00:56:41
    that they should have been protected by.
  • 00:56:44
    And this is what we need spiritually.
  • 00:56:47
    We need a kinsman redeemer.
  • 00:56:50
    I want you to get really comfortable with that title,
  • 00:56:53
    because somebody's got to pay to get you back.
  • 00:56:57
    Somebody has to pay a price because
  • 00:56:59
    you were born outside of the family of God.
  • 00:57:02
    The Bible says, we are born outside the family of God,
  • 00:57:06
    inside the family of Adam, inside the human race,
  • 00:57:09
    and into a life of spiritual poverty
  • 00:57:12
    where we are not heirs to a kingdom and a fortune.
  • 00:57:17
    We are slaves to sin.
  • 00:57:20
    That's how the Bible describes our condition.
  • 00:57:22
    And we need a kinsman redeemer,
  • 00:57:25
    somebody who is able and willing to offer us
  • 00:57:28
    a chance to be part of a name we have no claim to,
  • 00:57:32
    we have no right to.
  • 00:57:34
    Is it crazy to think that God did that very thing?
  • 00:57:41
    Jesus is your Boaz.
  • 00:57:45
    Jesus is the kinsman Redeemer that I need,
  • 00:57:49
    that you need, that every single person
  • 00:57:51
    who wants to bear the name of the family of God
  • 00:57:54
    needs to access through that name.
  • 00:57:58
    There is no other way.
  • 00:58:00
    And God is opening the door.
  • 00:58:01
    He's pushing you toward it.
  • 00:58:03
    You're like the Ruth that shows up
  • 00:58:04
    in the right field, you know?
  • 00:58:06
    I mean, that's crazy, right?
  • 00:58:07
    She ends up picking up sheaves of wheat
  • 00:58:09
    in the right field by the right guy.
  • 00:58:12
    Come on.
  • 00:58:13
    God has brought you into the right field
  • 00:58:17
    so that you can hear the name,
  • 00:58:19
    you can interact with the person
  • 00:58:22
    that can give you access to the name of the Lord.
  • 00:58:25
    And Jesus is that.
  • 00:58:26
    He is not only able, He is able.
  • 00:58:29
    He was fully a man and He was also fully God,
  • 00:58:33
    so His life, perfect life,
  • 00:58:35
    counted not just for one of us,
  • 00:58:37
    but for all of us as our nearest relative.
  • 00:58:40
    He was a human in every way, shape and form.
  • 00:58:45
    But He was also willing.
  • 00:58:47
    He came knowing, "This is going to cost Me
  • 00:58:50
    to buy you back.
  • 00:58:52
    It's going to cost Me to redeem you,
  • 00:58:55
    to pay to bring you back into the family name.
  • 00:59:01
    To give you access."
  • 00:59:03
    And it's His right. He bears it.
  • 00:59:05
    He's the Son of God.
  • 00:59:07
    It's only His right to be able
  • 00:59:09
    to share that name with you.
  • 00:59:10
    And He shares it willingly
  • 00:59:12
    and everything that goes with it.
  • 00:59:14
    You're not just some somebody,
  • 00:59:16
    you're a son, you're a daughter
  • 00:59:22
    when you get redeemed into the family.
  • 00:59:24
    Because the name of the Lord
  • 00:59:26
    can only be accessed through adoption.
  • 00:59:31
    That's God's chosen method.
  • 00:59:33
    And He gives us this wonderful thing on earth
  • 00:59:36
    that we can understand what's really taking place.
  • 00:59:38
    The Bible uses the idea of adoption
  • 00:59:40
    over and over again to describe
  • 00:59:42
    how we get into the family.
  • 00:59:44
    Paul was explaining this idea
  • 00:59:46
    in the book of Galatians, and he put it like this:
  • 01:00:04
    You've been bought at a price.
  • 01:00:07
    You are a widow without a husband,
  • 01:00:09
    an orphan who becomes a son
  • 01:00:12
    through the name of Jesus,
  • 01:00:15
    and only through the name of Jesus.
  • 01:00:17
    It's through that faith that you get sealed
  • 01:00:20
    and brought back into the family,
  • 01:00:21
    where you get access to an inheritance
  • 01:00:24
    that is now rightfully yours.
  • 01:00:26
    You have the privilege of adoption into the name of God.
  • 01:00:31
    See, Ruth was not just a widow who came back
  • 01:00:34
    and got food and a home and a husband.
  • 01:00:37
    And yes, that happened for her.
  • 01:00:39
    And yes, her earthly needs were provided for in that sense.
  • 01:00:42
    But her marriage to Boaz did her one better.
  • 01:00:46
    It actually grafted her into the family of God.
  • 01:00:49
    She, in essence, became an orphan also,
  • 01:00:52
    that got adopted into the family
  • 01:00:54
    when she married into the nation of Israel.
  • 01:00:57
    So Ruth was not just a widow who got a husband.
  • 01:01:00
    She was an orphan who ended up in the family of the King.
  • 01:01:04
    Because the book of Ruth,
  • 01:01:05
    it ends in this really odd way.
  • 01:01:08
    It ends with a genealogy,
  • 01:01:10
    a genealogy making clear that her child with Boaz
  • 01:01:14
    became the grandpa of King David.
  • 01:01:17
    And King David is in the line of Jesus,
  • 01:01:20
    who is your kinsman redeemer.
  • 01:01:22
    God grafted this foreign widow with no hope at all,
  • 01:01:28
    and adopted her into the family of God,
  • 01:01:32
    and brought your kinsman redeemer through her line.
  • 01:01:37
    That is wild.
  • 01:01:39
    She was a widow and an orphan who ended up
  • 01:01:41
    in the greatest family name of all time,
  • 01:01:43
    the name of the Lord.
  • 01:01:44
    And you have the same chance
  • 01:01:47
    that she had to be adopted.
  • 01:01:50
    I got a living example of this not long ago,
  • 01:01:52
    when I went to the adoption hearing
  • 01:01:54
    of a good friend of mine.
  • 01:01:56
    They had been fostering a little boy,
  • 01:01:58
    and they were in the process of adopting him.
  • 01:02:00
    And the hearing day came and I was asked,
  • 01:02:02
    as a good friend of both the mom and dad,
  • 01:02:05
    to come to the adoption hearing.
  • 01:02:06
    And I had never been to one before.
  • 01:02:08
    And so I very gladly went and I listened
  • 01:02:11
    in fascination with the questions that were
  • 01:02:13
    being asked by the judge in this courtroom.
  • 01:02:17
    And the judge was, I mean, 30 minutes or so,
  • 01:02:21
    at least, asking question after question:
  • 01:02:25
    Are you going to provide for him?
  • 01:02:26
    Are you going to make space for him?
  • 01:02:29
    I see you have two other kids.
  • 01:02:31
    If you have bank accounts
  • 01:02:32
    and you're going to send them to college,
  • 01:02:34
    are you going to do the same for this little boy?
  • 01:02:36
    Making sure that they were actually
  • 01:02:38
    receiving him fully into their family.
  • 01:02:40
    And he really honed in on one particular thing
  • 01:02:43
    when there was a couple of questions
  • 01:02:45
    about the way they were connected to this child.
  • 01:02:48
    And my -- the husband, my friend,
  • 01:02:50
    he answered very honestly and said
  • 01:02:52
    he had had a little trouble bonding with him
  • 01:02:54
    when they first got him into their home.
  • 01:02:56
    That the little boy had really preferred his wife,
  • 01:02:58
    and he'd had to work pretty hard
  • 01:03:00
    to build a connection.
  • 01:03:01
    And the judge, she got right ahold of that,
  • 01:03:04
    and she asked question after question
  • 01:03:06
    after question.
  • 01:03:10
    And he just answered her really honestly,
  • 01:03:12
    really, really honestly about his struggle
  • 01:03:14
    and how far he had come
  • 01:03:15
    and some of the things they had gone through.
  • 01:03:17
    And she said, "Well, where are you now?
  • 01:03:21
    What's your connection like with him now?"
  • 01:03:26
    And he got really quiet and he took a second.
  • 01:03:29
    And then he looked up at the judge and he said,
  • 01:03:33
    "He's my son."
  • 01:03:36
    And there really wasn't anything else to say.
  • 01:07:14
    - Someday that little boy is going to have some questions.
  • 01:07:17
    I understand that it's not unusual
  • 01:07:19
    for orphans to come back and to wonder,
  • 01:07:22
    am I loved? Am I protected?
  • 01:07:26
    Am I a part of this family?
  • 01:07:28
    Am I wanted, was I always wanted?
  • 01:07:31
    And I cannot wait to be part of his life
  • 01:07:34
    and be one of the people who gets to say,
  • 01:07:37
    "No, no, no. I was there on that day.
  • 01:07:40
    I watched you become a son.
  • 01:07:43
    This is your family. This is your name.
  • 01:07:46
    You've always been loved.
  • 01:07:47
    You've always been wanted right from the very get go."
  • 01:07:51
    And friends, this is us.
  • 01:07:53
    This is us before the Lord.
  • 01:07:55
    You are wanted. You are wanted, planned for,
  • 01:08:00
    absolutely protected, provided for child of God.
  • 01:08:04
    And the enemy is going to whisper to you,
  • 01:08:07
    maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, maybe in five years.
  • 01:08:10
    And he's going to say, "You aren't wanted.
  • 01:08:12
    You're alone.
  • 01:08:15
    God's not going to provide that for you.
  • 01:08:17
    Just take what you can get by yourself.
  • 01:08:20
    Strike out on your own
  • 01:08:21
    because this Lord of yours, He's going to let you down."
  • 01:08:25
    And in that moment, what I want you to remember
  • 01:08:28
    is the words of Jesus.
  • 01:08:29
    Jesus says this to you,
  • 01:08:32
    "I will not leave you as orphans.
  • 01:08:34
    I will come to you."
  • 01:08:36
    You have a kinsman redeemer.
  • 01:08:39
    He paid to buy you back.
  • 01:08:40
    He's not going to leave you alone.
  • 01:08:42
    You are not an orphan.
  • 01:08:43
    You are a son of the Great High God.
  • 01:08:46
    You are a daughter of King Jesus.
  • 01:08:49
    That's who you are.
  • 01:08:51
    And so in the moments that you doubt that,
  • 01:08:53
    in the moments that you feel alone,
  • 01:08:55
    I want you to remember, "No, no, no, I was adopted.
  • 01:09:00
    That's what happened to me.
  • 01:09:02
    This is my family and this is my name."
  • 01:09:05
    And some of you are here tonight,
  • 01:09:07
    and you don't carry the family name.
  • 01:09:09
    You haven't been adopted yet.
  • 01:09:12
    And I'd like to pray for you right now.
  • 01:09:14
    I just -- I feel like there are people here
  • 01:09:16
    that they are ready. You're ready.
  • 01:09:18
    You are ready to go.
  • 01:09:20
    You had no idea it was as easy as saying,
  • 01:09:23
    "I want to be adopted into Your family."
  • 01:09:27
    So let me pray for you right now.
  • 01:09:30
    Father, You are so good. You are so kind.
  • 01:09:33
    Thank You for paying the price to get us back.
  • 01:09:39
    And I ask that You would meet each person
  • 01:09:41
    who is here tonight and listening,
  • 01:09:43
    and anyone here who has yet to be adopted
  • 01:09:46
    and is ready at this moment, I just pray that
  • 01:09:48
    You would whisper to them,
  • 01:09:50
    "Yep, you're already mine and I want you."
  • 01:09:55
    And that You would receive
  • 01:09:56
    their prayer to You right now just saying,
  • 01:09:59
    "Lord, adopt me." You would hear that.
  • 01:10:03
    You would know that that's the prayer of their heart,
  • 01:10:05
    and You would reassure them that they, in fact,
  • 01:10:08
    were already always Yours.
  • 01:10:12
    Bring them fully into the family.
  • 01:10:14
    In Jesus's name, Amen.
  • 01:10:18
    - At Crossroads, we believe in action
  • 01:10:20
    and actually doing the very things we talk about.
  • 01:10:23
    This series has been all about
  • 01:10:25
    how Jesus brings hope to us,
  • 01:10:27
    and how from that we can bring hope to the world as well.
  • 01:10:31
    City Serve Day is just around the corner
  • 01:10:33
    on June 15th, where we will have the opportunity
  • 01:10:35
    to make a difference with our friends,
  • 01:10:37
    our neighbors, and local communities by serving
  • 01:10:40
    and making an impact right where we are.
  • 01:10:42
    Now we're joining in to serve our local partners,
  • 01:10:45
    strengthen our relationships,
  • 01:10:46
    and fill needs that would otherwise go unmet.
  • 01:10:49
    If you live near one of our physical locations
  • 01:10:52
    at Crossroads, you can simply go to
  • 01:10:54 to find a project
  • 01:10:56
    to serve with on June 15th.
  • 01:10:59
    If you don't live near a physical location,
  • 01:11:01
    please do not let that be a barrier
  • 01:11:04
    to you making an impact in your local community.
  • 01:11:07
    Your project could involve anything
  • 01:11:09
    from assisting a neighbor in need
  • 01:11:10
    or volunteering at a local nonprofit organization.
  • 01:11:13
    Like, literally anything.
  • 01:11:15
    If you sign up to lead a project,
  • 01:11:17
    we will provide you with the necessary resources
  • 01:11:19
    and support to help you successfully
  • 01:11:22
    run your project in your area.
  • 01:11:24
    Now, we'll be doing this as a church
  • 01:11:25
    all together this year on June 15th.
  • 01:11:28
    You can find more information
  • 01:11:29
    about how to serve your local community
  • 01:11:31
  • 01:11:35
    Now Crossroads started as a church
  • 01:11:36
    in the Midwestern United States
  • 01:11:38
    and has grown into a movement all over the globe.
  • 01:11:40
    Friends and families on a journey with God together.
  • 01:11:43
    The important thing isn't where we watch the service,
  • 01:11:46
    it's that we're connecting with God and each other.
  • 01:11:49
    You know, that's my community story.
  • 01:11:51
    My Crossroads community
  • 01:11:52
    isn't near one of our main physical locations.
  • 01:11:54
    You know, shout out to all
  • 01:11:55
    my Batesville and Indianapolis people.
  • 01:11:57
    But we figured out a way to be a part of Crossroads
  • 01:12:00
    while also building community
  • 01:12:02
    and experiencing a different kind of church.
  • 01:12:05
    Now, if you're watching this
  • 01:12:06
    and you ever thought, "Man, I love Crossroads,
  • 01:12:09
    but I don't live near a physical site,
  • 01:12:10
    and I wish there was a way
  • 01:12:12
    I could be more connected to my church and community."
  • 01:12:14
    Well, then I have something for you.
  • 01:12:17
    The Crossroads Anywhere Weekend is coming up
  • 01:12:19
    on July 19-21, and consider this
  • 01:12:22
    your official invitation to join us.
  • 01:12:25
    The Anywhere Weekend is all about building into you,
  • 01:12:28
    helping you experience God in a fresh, new way
  • 01:12:31
    while also having great food, drinks
  • 01:12:34
    and creating unforgettable memories.
  • 01:12:36
    Now all you have to do is get here
  • 01:12:38
    and all the food and experiences are on us.
  • 01:12:41
    Now, if you're like me and you have young kids,
  • 01:12:43
    you might be wondering if this will work for your family.
  • 01:12:45
    And let me assure you,
  • 01:12:46
    we have an entire team working on
  • 01:12:49
    making this a great experience for all ages,
  • 01:12:51
    from toddlers to middle school and high schoolers
  • 01:12:53
    to even big grown up kids like me.
  • 01:12:55
    It's going to be incredible.
  • 01:12:57
    To see a breakdown of the schedule and to sign up,
  • 01:13:00
    just go to
  • 01:13:03
    And I know it's not a small task to sign up
  • 01:13:05
    and attend something like this,
  • 01:13:07
    but I promise it will be worth it.
  • 01:13:09
    If you're hesitant for whatever reason,
  • 01:13:11
    just know we will lower any barrier we can
  • 01:13:15
    to help you attend.
  • 01:13:16
    Just reach out and we will be glad to help.
  • 01:13:19
    I cannot wait to see you there.
  • 01:13:21
    And as always, thank you for joining us today.
  • 01:13:24
    We'll see you back next week.

Process, journal or discuss the themes of this article - here's a few questions to get the ball rolling...

Welcome to the Weekend-Follow Up! This is the group part of the Bible Challenge, so your questions are based on specific Bible passages from the weekend message. Each week, your group will discover what God might be saying to you, and how you can respond through a group discussion.

  1. If you could pick any name or title for yourself, what would you choose and why?

  2. What stood out to you most from the message?

  3. Think of a time or a situation where you felt vulnerable. How did you respond?

  4. How can you see yourself in Ruth or relate to her? Is there someone else in the story you identify with more?

  5. What or who’s name do you carry right now? What meaning does that name carry?

  6. Read Proverbs 18:10 What makes it difficult to believe in the protective power of the Lord’s name?

  7. What’s one step you can take this week to live as a child of God, someone who carries His name?

  8. Let’s end with prayer. You can say something like, “Jesus, thank you for being our kinsman-redeemer. For being willing to pay the price to redeem us. For loving us. Give us the strength and the courage to protect the vulnerable the way you protected us. Amen.”

More from the Weekend

Bonus Questions! Check these out if you’re on a roll and want to go a little deeper.

  • Do you believe you’re spiritually vulnerable? Why or why not?
  • In what area(s) or relationships in your life do you see tendencies of self-protection? What would allowing yourself to be vulnerable look like?

0 people are discussing these questions

(This stuff helps us figure out how many fruitcakes to make come December)

You must include at least one person

Got it! Enjoy your discussion.

Jun 8, 2024 1 hr 13 mins 31 sec

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