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Week 2: Managing Technology

1 hr 10 mins 43 sec

Week 3: The Greatest Technology

The next time you’re around a table for dinner, have everyone place their phones in the center of the table. Technology is off limits until everyone is finished eating. The person who reaches for their phone first pays the bill. (Or washes the dishes)

Process, journal or discuss the themes of this article - here's a few questions to get the ball rolling...

Three questions to help you and your friends get the most out of this week’s message.

  1. You’re at the grocery store. Are you the person chatting people up in the produce aisle, or do you have your AirPods in and are hoping no one talks to you? Everyone answer. Then take a few minutes to talk about why.

  2. We heard that humans are the greatest piece of technology ever created. (Even better than Siri or Alexa) Do you agree? Do you think we can be called technology? And why?

  3. Story time. Talk about a time when technology has helped your relationships (maybe you got a sweet GroupOn) and a time when it has hurt.

More from the Weekend

The next time you’re around a table for dinner, have everyone place their phones in the center of the table. Technology is off limits until everyone is finished eating. The person who reaches for their phone first pays the bill. (Or washes the dishes)

0 people are discussing these questions

(This stuff helps us figure out how many fruitcakes to make come December)

Sep 15, 2018 1 hr 16 mins 29 sec


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