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Best Season Ever | Week 2: Happiness vs Peace

1 hr 11 mins

Best Season Ever | Week 3: Jesus Broke In

This time of year is familiar. We know the story and the characters. We know our traditions, hopes, and past hurts. This season is so familiar that it is easy to miss the point—that God himself broke into our world to fulfill his promises. The story of Christmas is one of irrepressible hope for all of humanity—us included.

Process, journal or discuss the themes of this article - here's a few questions to get the ball rolling...

Welcome to the Chaser–a few questions after the weekend service to start conversations and push a little deeper. Go on. Dive in.

No matter where you watched the weekend…you probably saw a unique message! That’s right, it’s community weekend—a chance to hear from your Community Pastor. (And a chance for you to watch 10+ different messages on YouTube. If you’re into that sorta thing.) So, we’re gonna use this week to reflect a bit.

  1. Everyone has a favorite speaker at Crossroads. Heck, we spend the Super Bowl every year seeing if #TeamTome or #TeamMingo comes out on top. Who did you hear speak this weekend? And if you’re feeling saucy, who is your favorite speaker at Crossroads? Go.

  2. Peace and thankfulness walk hand in hand. They’re keys to having the Best Season Ever. Think over the past year, and share with your group some key moments that are worth celebrating and thanking God.

  3. Peace and thankfulness are great. But let’s be real, life can get in the way. Struggles can bring us down. But those struggles can grow us. Talk about two areas of your life where you’ve seen struggle and have grown in 2018.

  4. Last tough one, then we’ll have some fun. The type of growth you talked about in the previous question can shape you to look more like God, or reflect more of his character. So, big question time. How has God made you look more like Him this year?

  5. Whew. You’re done sharing about yourself. Well done. Depending on your group’s schedule, this may be your last meeting for the year. Take this time to pray for each other. For a peaceful, joyful Christmas, for safe travels, and for the year to come. (Don’t forget to throw in some thankfulness, too.)

More from the Weekend

This series is all about getting the wonder and joy back in Christmas. And we’ve got an incredible Christmas service on the horizon. Think through your friends and family. Who needs some Wonder in their Christmas? Invite that person to service. Trust us, it’ll be worth it.

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(This stuff helps us figure out how many fruitcakes to make come December)

Dec 15, 2018 56 mins 13 sec

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