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Empires | Week 1: Power

1 hr 12 mins 23 sec

Empires | Week 2: Together

Ancient Rome (like the USA today) attracted people from across the globe, creating the potential for a “melting pot” of diversity, community and collaboration. Yet our human default is still to isolate ourselves, to be suspicious, and to separate ourselves from those who aren’t like us. But Jesus called his followers to be different—to cross boundaries, welcome strangers, and truly become a family that reflects all of his creation.

Process, journal or discuss the themes of this article - here's a few questions to get the ball rolling...

Welcome to the Chaser. During Empires, they’ll be a couple extra questions each week. And the extra questions will push a little deeper. Dive in. Give them a try.

  1. If you didn’t know already, #everybodypoops. Take 15 minutes as a group to discover at least one experience everyone has shared. Could be skydiving, traveled to Italy, broken a bone, whatever. (Just don’t take the easy way out. We’ve all been to McDonalds.)

  2. Although we have a lot in common, God wants you to be in relationship with all kinds of people. Take a look at the people you’re with. Call out the differences between you–they could be physical, emotional, or spiritual. How does your group reflect the whole Kingdom of God? Where does it lack?

  3. Read Romans 15:5-6. The closer we get to Jesus, the more empathy and care we have for others. How have you seen God grow this in you? How have you lived in “in harmony with one another?”

  4. Proximity doesn’t create community, sacrifice does. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Go around and share how this group is there for you, or encourages you to be your best self. (New group? No worries, talk about a time you sacrificed for a friend.)

  5. Austin shared his desire for his relationships to grow into deeper community. What’s the vision for your group? Where would you like the group to evolve or grow?

More from the Weekend

Sit down. Slow down. Right now is a perfect moment to stay together. Extend your group meeting (or pick another time this week) to share a meal. Stretch yourself by shopping for supplies or cooking the meal as a group.

0 people are discussing these questions

(This stuff helps us figure out how many fruitcakes to make come December)

Oct 10, 2018 1 hr 4 mins 43 sec

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