When it comes to dating, engaged, or marriage relationships—does having the same faith as your partner matter? Like actually matter? Or is it on the same level of importance as political alignment or a favorite sports team? Through her own experience of at one point having opposing spiritual views to her husband, author Kacie Bryant offers wisdom on just how important it is to have our faith align with our significant other.
Dave and Ann Wilson have been helping others create the marriages they actually want for three decades—but their marriage wasn’t always one worth emulating. On...
¿Puede un cristiano hacerse tatuajes? ¿Y fumar? ¿Beber? Todas estas son preguntas importantes, pero no importan tanto como la pregunta más profunda: ¿importa lo que...
Can a Christian get tattoos? What about smoke? Drink? These are all important questions, but it doesn’t matter nearly as much as the deeper question:...