We've gotten to be part of God changing lives in his church

3 mins

We’ve called Crossroads ‘home’ for 29 years, first at Crossroads Christian in Lexington, then at the Richmond campus of Crossroads Church. The merge was a big deal, and like others, we had to work through the changes. But we never considered leaving because Crossroads Christian had been our church family for so long, providing a network of friends that loved us and our children. The original Crossroads Christian of Lexington had been more contemporary than most other local churches and with the merge, we found Crossroads Church to be similar, teaching truth creatively using relevant, engaging content. We didn’t always agree with every single thing, but we recognized the church’s passion for reaching people who would not come to a traditional church.

We wanted to be part of that and our kids to be, as well. They were mentored by selfless volunteers who were significant in their spiritual formation. Because of the style of Crossroads Church, our kids were not in a ‘religious bubble’ but were exposed to a variety of people. Looking back, this helped them when they transitioned to their universities and to not be afraid of interacting with people different from them. You cannot rely only on the church for teaching your kids, but there is such value in settling in and not church-hopping. It allows for stable, long-term relationships to form. We are so thankful for the outward focus of Crossroads Church and those adults who invested in our kids.

One of the most challenging moments we went through personally occurred in 2013 when Matt felt prompted to leave his job without having a new job lined up. The future was uncertain, financially and otherwise. It felt like we were stepping off a cliff. In the end, though, it was the best thing that could’ve happened. God provided in many ways, but a close mentor at Crossroads was God’s hands and feet during that season, encouraging and caring for us.

In our 29 years at both Crossroads Christan and Crossroads Church, we have seen God at work changing lives. We have been able to be a part of something outside of ourselves; to step back and see how God’s hand has stitched our story and the story of others together for His kingdom. We’re thankful! -Matt and Christy M.

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