A person thinks and asks, is it a sin to eat meat on Friday during Lent?A person thinks and asks, is it a sin to eat meat on Friday during Lent?


Is It a Sin to Eat Meat on Friday During Lent?

Chris Pennington

3 mins

Does Taco Bell count as meat since…we’re not sure if it’s even real meat?

During the season of Lent (a 40-day period of fasting leading up to Easter) there is a practice for some in the Christian faith that consists of abstaining from meat on Fridays. For those who partake in the practice, the ideology comes from Jesus giving up his flesh and dying on a Friday, and that, therefore, one should refrain from eating meat (flesh) on Fridays during Lent to honor this sacrifice.

Whether you’ve never heard of this no meat on Friday origin story before—or are someone who partakes in it every year—you may have had a few questions floating around your head, as I have: Where in the Bible does it say no meat on Fridays? Does this apply to me as well? Is it a sin to eat meat on Friday during Lent? And seriously, does Taco Bell count or not?

Is It a Sin to Eat Meat on Friday During Lent?

In short, no, The Bible does not say it is a sin to eat meat on Friday during Lent, nor does it imply this concept or even hint at it. However, that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing, so keep reading.

Is it a sin to eat meat on Friday during lent?

The closest we see to a commandment to fast (abstaining from something, typically food or drink) at all is when Jesus speaks of fasting in the Gospel account of Matthew, where Jesus tells listeners how to fast “when” they fast (Matthew 6). There is no specific instruction from Jesus of the time or day in which this fasting should occur, for how long, or what exactly one could fast from specifically. We see several examples of fasting and prayer by followers of God throughout scripture, but none are linked to the time frame around Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Furthermore, we see an instance where Jesus says particularly in regards to eating certain kinds of food (like meat) that “it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person” (Matthew 15:11). So if you ask, “Where in the Bible does it say no meat on Fridays?” or, “Is it a sin to eat meat on Friday during Lent?” you can be assured that we have no evidence in scripture that would deem so.

(Fair warning: certain meats may not defile you spiritually as Jesus says, but Taco Bell is almost sure to defile you physically.)

I believe fasting from something or sacrificing something (social media, sweets, or some form of entertainment) during the Lenten season is a great opportunity to draw into closer relationship with God and be reminded of the sacrifice he made on the cross to bring us into his family now and eternally. Maybe for you, like for thousands of other followers of Jesus, that equals fasting from meat on the few Fridays before Easter Sunday.

Is it a sin to eat meat on Friday during lent?

If that’s true, that’s great. But as fruitful as this practice can be, it is important to remember that fasting during the Lent period ahead of Easter is a man-made tradition and not one that Jesus instructed.

Therefore, I believe getting a Chalupa on your Friday drive home is OK.

Disclaimer: This article is 100% human-generated.

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Chris Pennington
Meet the author

Chris Pennington

Husband, cat admirer, C.S. Lewis wannabe.

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