A person holding a flower in a field.


Can People Really Change?

Tim Senff

2 mins

Change is hard.

The idea of it can be alluring, but the work of it is where the rubber actually meets the road.

  • Stopping an addiction.
  • Ending an unhealthy dating relationship.
  • Leaving a job in a toxic work environment.
  • Getting in shape.
  • Starting to tithe 10% of our income.

All of these things sound great … until we have to put in the work to actually change our habits and adopt new ones.

  • Admitting we have an addiction and getting accountability.
  • Actually breaking off the bad relationship.
  • Taking the job leap and working hard to find something new.
  • Going to the gym instead of hitting snooze.
  • Setting up an auto-gift and adjusting our lifestyle accordingly.

When we look at the pain change will take, it’s easy to fall into the trap the Israelites did in the Old Testament and say, “Can we please just GO BACK to Egypt?”

And they said to one another, “Let us choose a leader and go back to Egypt.” (Numbers 14:4)

Egypt was slavery for the Jews, and going back to our old way is always spiritual slavery for us. Living in the blessing of freedom takes a lot of work, and it’s tempting to want to just give up and go back.

That’s exactly what God’s Enemy wants for us, in fact.

But we need to press forward with courage, knowing that God is with us and will never leave us, and that the freedom is worth it.

Do. Not. Go. Back.

Jesus, thank you for the freedom you bought for me through the cross and empty grave. I will not go back to my old ways of striving to earn your love through performance, being surface level with everyone in my life, or plowing forward with goals without including you.

I will not go back.

Disclaimer: This article is 100% human-generated.

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Tim Senff
Meet the author

Tim Senff

Dad of four, husband to one, Community Pastor of Crossroads Mason, lover of Buckeye football, ice cream, travel and people.

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