Become a disciple-making disciple.
Huddle immerses 4-6 participants in the core characteristics and competencies of Jesus by giving them in-depth access to a leader who is living it out — so that after a year of training, those participants can lead others through the same process.
Huddle leaders disciple their group by inviting them into their life, leading by story and example, and holding their group accountable to following through on their own growth. No leader is perfect, and each group personality is different, but we are all made to make disciples. Huddle is how you learn to do it.
Disciple on, disciple-maker. It’s like the right of passage to becoming a huddle leader. Part foundation check, part practice, and a whole lot of encouragement so you’ll be ready to go. We'll launch another round of Huddle's in the fall. If you've been through Huddle and you're interested in leading this year or next, let us know by emailing
Here's how Huddle fits in. Think of huddle as a leadership development tool within Group. Huddle equips you with tools to lead your group well and disciple your people. If you've been leading your group for a while, consider taking a break from leading to receive and be in a Huddle yourself. Once you've gone through Huddle, you can lead others through Huddle.
Leading your second, third, or sixteenth huddle?
We’re thrilled you’re taking on your next set of future disciple-makers. Email us at to let us know you’re starting so we can best support you this year.
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