Mainland USA

Martin County, KY - Women's Trip

10/23 - 10/26/2025
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Across cultures and time, women understand their vulnerability to the system. They know the weight of bearing and caring for children, bringing in an income, taking care of their family and home, and balancing far too many competing demands. All of this is especially difficult when starting from a place of severe poverty in a community racked by addiction. Once deemed "the poorest county in America," many women and families still struggle with severe poverty and a lack of access to basic necessities.

The work on this trip focuses on women. Whether pushing through addiction, learning new skills to break generational poverty, or empowering through loving care, you'll make a significant difference providing practical support and hope to women... and in so doing, you'll be lifting up families and communities. Learn about the challenges and how you can create hope and be a part of breaking the cycle of generational poverty.

By sharing skills, resources, and compassion, women on these missions not only contribute to the immediate well-being of those in need but also promote long-term change and self-sufficiency. This collective effort underscores the power of women helping women, creating a ripple effect that can uplift entire communities.
You can do this!
90% of people who sign up for a GO Trip are unsure of how they’ll pay for it. And yet nearly every single person in the history of trips has been able to raise money and GO.
Signup Deadline: 6/23/2025
When: 10/23 - 10/26/2025
Deposit: $100
Focus: At Risk Communities
Size of Trip: 40
Minimum Age: 18
Restrictions: Women Only
Work Level: Moderate
Type: Women
Total Cost: $475
Your Spiritual