Despite its wealth of natural beauty, Latin America is home to significant challenges. Poverty, malnourishment, and lack of access to education often affect vulnerable populations, especially children. Lack of access to basic resources can impact their health and well-being as well as their future prospects. In addition, many children are at risk of exploitation because they lack the protection and support they need to thrive.

On a GO Trip to Latin America you’ll support local organizations that address poverty and malnutrition as well as access to education and healthcare. We can work towards a brighter future for the region where all children have access to the resources and support they need.

What We Do

The Work

Vulnerable Children

No child deserves to grow up malnourished, homeless, or uneducated. Unfortunately, over 300 million kids around the world do. We partner with local organizations that understand the best way to deliver sustainable change. They provide the expertise, we provide the man hours. The result, kids that learn there are people out there who give a damn.

At Risk Communities

One out of every eight humans are considered “at risk”. Ignored or oppressed, fighting a battle with extreme poverty or decimated by natural disasters, they often lack access to basic needs. Forgotten people. “Someone else’s” responsibility. In other words, exactly the people that Jesus told us to serve. So we roll up our sleeves and get to work. We’ve established partnerships and true friendships, and now we’re seeing real change in the communities where God has called us.

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