Saturday, April 19 and Sunday, April 20
In person and online
Easter is the biggest, most exciting, hope-filled, joy-inducing, life-affirming celebration of the incredible news that because Jesus defeated death all the places that feel dead in you can be brought back to life too. Come experience Easter at Crossroads and discover how you can live life to its fullest!
View Locations & Service Times Volunteer for Easter View All Holy Week EventsHOLY WEEK
Starting April 10
Encounter the most significant week in history like never before. A whole week of physical and digital immersive experiences designed just for you and your friends. Holy Week is at the very foundation of our faith. Come experience it and allow Jesus to transform you.
Read a new article every day of Holy Week.
Why Did the Temple Curtain Tear When Jesus Died?HOLY WEEK
Starting April 10
Easter is about much more than bunnies and baskets filled with eggs and candy. We celebrate Easter because Jesus died for us, conquered death and then came back to life. The Easter story is about celebrating that Jesus rose from the dead, leaving behind an empty tomb. Grab a unique paint-by-sticker activity at each Holy Week event except for Good Friday, and use it with your kids to reflect on Jesus' sacrifice for us and to dig into more of the events surrounding Easter. We’ve also curated some of our best teaching content into this Easter Playlist for your family.