You’ve Been Baptized!

Congratulations! You just made one of the most important decisions of your life. Now towel off and let’s get to work.

Next Steps

Get Ready To Grow

Here are some ways to celebrate your choice and how to find the people who will support and uplift you on your journey.

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Download the Crossroads Anywhere app to spend daily time with God and stay connected to your community.

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Join A Group

Meet others in the local Crossroads community who share your interests by joining one of our many unique groups.

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Share Your Story

Encourage others with stories of faith. Use pictures, video, paragraphs, or just a few words to tell us about your story with God.

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Find A Cohort

Plenty of people share your goals. Why not get motivated for the next 21 days together? Plus, explore new cohorts every season.

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Get Involved

Share your unique gifts with your community – or the world – by volunteering your time for a meaningful cause.

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Get Unstuck

Our care team is just a click or conversation away. We have a team of people available to provide care and prayer.

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Next Steps

Read On

Want to learn more about what you should do after your baptism? Explore our articles on baptism experiences, reading the Bible, and connecting with Jesus.

Your Spiritual